Date:06 December 2013
December 3rd 2013, the 1st SIAIS Scientific Governance Board Meeting was held in ShanghaiTech University. The Scientific Board is comprised of 15 members, who are world renowned scientists, entrepreneurs, and key opinion-leaders of the Chinese scientific community. Dr. Jiang Mianheng, Chairman of the Executive Committee of ShanghaiTech is Chairman of the Board. Other members include Richard Lerner, Founding Director of SIAIS, Sydney Brenner, Nobel Prize Winner, Chen Zhu, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and, Rao Zihe, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences.
In the morning, the Board members visited Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facilities, CAS National Protein Science Center and the SIAIS labs. The Board members provided constructive suggestions regarding the development of SIAIS.
During the board meeting chaired by Dr. Jiang Mianheng in the afternoon, the members reviewed the SIAIS business plan 2013-2017 and 2014 plan and budget, and provided constructive suggestions regarding the development of SIAIS. In addition, Richard Lerner gave a scientific presentation on Mining Antibody Diversity for Discovery and Therapy. At the end, Dr. Jiang Mianheng announced the consensus and resolutions of the meeting.
The 1st SIAIS Scientific Governance Board Meeting set an optimistic tone for the development direction and strategy of SIAIS, and plays a significant role in the future development of the scientific research of ShanghaiTech.