Laboratory: Lab of Structure Biochemistry
Research Interest: Exploring the structure and function of chromatin-related protein complexesby X-ray crystallography and cryo-EM.

Biography:2017.07-present Postdoctoral fellow, Shanghai Institute for AdvancedImmunochemical Studies (SIAIS), ShanghaiTech University, Shanghai, China.
2012.09-2017.06 Ph.D. in Prevention Veterinary Science (Prof. Jiaojiao Lin), Shanghai Veterinary Research Institute of CAAS, Shanghai, China.
2008.09-2012.06 B.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, Qingdao Agriculture University, Qingdao, China.
Selected Grants, Awards, & Honors:2017.07 Outstanding Graduates of CAAS and Beijing, Beijing, China.
2016.10 National Scholarship.
2013.10 CoursesExcellence, Advanced Individual of CAAS, Beijing, China.
2012.07 Outstanding Graduates of Qingdao Agriculture University, Qingdao, China.
2009-2011 National Encouragement Scholarship (twice).
2008-2012 Academic Scholarship &“Merit Student” (four times), Qingdao Agriculture University, Qingdao, China.
Representative publications:[1]
Han Q, Jia B, Hong Y, Cao X, Zhai Q, Lu K, Li H, Zhu C, Fu Z, Shi Y&Lin J.Suppression of VAMP2 Alters Morphology of the Tegument and Affects Glucose uptake, Development and Reproduction of Schistosoma japonicum.Sci Rep. Jul 12;7(1):5212 (2017).
[2]Hong Y, Cao X,
Han Q, Yuan C, Zhang M, Han Y, Zhu C, Lin T, Lu K, Li H, Fu Z&Lin J Proteome-wide analysis of lysine acetylation in adult Schistosoma japonicum worm. J Proteomics.Aug 12;148:202-212 (2016).
Han Q, Hong Y, Fu Z, Zhang M, Cao X, Liu Y, Ma S, Guo Y, Lu K, Zhu C&Lin J. Characterization of VAMP2 in Schistosoma japonicum and the Evaluation of Protective Efficacy Induced by Recombinant SjVAMP2 in Mice. PLoS One. Dec 7;10(12):e0144584 (2015).