刘佳 博士


  刘佳 博士



所在学院 免疫化学研究所


邮箱: liujia@@shanghaitech.edu.cn

电话: 021-20685129

地址: 上海科技大学人字楼A402











38.   Ma P, Meng Q, Sun B, Zhao B, Dang L, Zhong M, Liu S, Xu H, Mei H, Liu J, Chi T, Yang G, Liu M, Huang X, Wang X. (2020) MeCas12a, a highly sensitive and specific system for COVID-19 detection. Adv Sci 7, 2001300.

37.   Wang X, Zhong M, Liu Y, Ma P, Dang L, Meng Q, Wan W, Ma X, Liu J, Yang G, Yang Z, Huang X, Liu M. (2020) Rapid and sensitive detection of COVID-19 using CRISPR/Cas12a-based detection with naked eye readout, CRISPR/Cas12a-NER. Sci Bull (Beijing) 65, 1436-39.

36.   Cui Y-R, Wang S-J, Chen J, Li J, Chen W, Wang S, Meng B, Zhu W, Zhang Z, Yang B, Jiang B, YangG, MaP-X*, Liu J*. (2020) Allosteric inhibition of CRISPR-Cas9 by bacteriophage-derived peptides. Genome Biol 21, 51.

35.   Li L, Ngo HTT, Hwang E, Wei X, Liu Y, Liu J*, Yi T-H* (2019) Conditioned medium from human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cell culture prevents UVB-induced skin aging in human keratinocytes and dermal fibroblasts. Int J Mol Sci 21, pii: E49.

34.   Pang X#, Tong Y#, Li F, Wei X, Chen X*, Liu J*, Chen D* (2019) Expression and characterization of human lactoferrin with tandem zinc finger protein in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Algal Res 43, 101635.

33.   Li B#, Zhou X-H# Yang P-Y, Zhu L, Zhong Y, Cai Z, Jiang B, Cai X, Liu J*, Jiang X* (2019) Photoactivatable fluorogenic labeling via turn‐on “click‐like” nitroso‐diene bioorthogonal reaction. Adv Sci, 1802039.

32.   Pang X, Tong Y, Xue W, Yang Y-F, Chen X, Liu J*, Chen D* (2019) Expression and characterization of recombinant human lactoferrin in edible alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Biosci Biotech Biochem 83, 851-9.

31.   Liu J*, Li J, Li J, Zhu L, Wang S-J, Wei X, Ma P-X* Delivery of superoxide dismutase using Cys2-His2 zinc-finger proteins. in Methods Mol Biol (Liu J Eds.), 2018, Humana Press, Totowa.

30.   Liu J*, Liang Y-J, Ren P-L, Gaj T. Manufacturing and delivering genome-editing proteins. in Methods Mol Biol (Liu J Eds.), 2018, Humana Press, Totowa.

29.   Chen J#, Yang Y-F#, Yang Y, Zou P, Chen J, He Y, Shui S-L, Cui Y-R, Bai R, Liang Y-J, Hu Y, Jiang B, Lu L, Zhang X*, Liu J*, Xu J* (2018) AXL promotes Zika virus infection in astrocytes by antagonizing type I interferon signaling. Nat Microbiol3, 302-309

28.   Mao D#, Liang Y#, Liu Y, Zhou X, Ma J, Jiang B, Liu J* and Ma D* (2017) Acid Labile acyclic cucurbit[n]uril molecular containers for controlled release. Angew Chem Int Ed56, 12614-12618

27.   Li J, Gao Z, Zhao D, Zhang L, Qiao X, Zhao Y, Ding H, Zhang P, Lu J, Liu J, Jiang H*, Luo C* and Chen C* (2017) PI-273, a substrate-competitive, specific small molecule inhibitor of PI4KIIe, inhibits the growth of breast cancer cells. Cancer Res77, 6253-6277

26.   Chen J#, Yang Y-F#,Chen J, Zhou X, Dong Z, Chen T, Yang Y, Zou P, Jiang B, Hu Y, Lu L, Zhang X, Liu J*, Xu J*and Zhu T* (2017) Zika virus infects renal proximal tubular epithelial cells with prolonged persistency and cytopathic effects. Emerg Microbes Infect 6, e77.

25.   Liu J and Shui S-S (2016) Delivery methods for site-specific nucleases: Achieving the full potential of therapeutic gene editing. J Control Release 244, 83-97.

24.   Gaj T, Sirk JS, Shui S-S and Liu J. (2016) Genome editing technologies: principles and applications. CSH Perspect Biol8, pii: a023754.

23.   Liu S-S, Wei X, Ji Q, Xin X, Jiang B* and Liu J. (2016) A facile and efficient transposon mutagenesis method for generation of multi-codon deletions in protein sequences. J Biotechnol 227, 27-34.

22.   Liu J#*, Gaj T#, Yang Y, Wang N, Shui S, Kim S, Kanchiswamy CN, Kim JS*, Barbas CF III. (2015) Efficient delivery of nuclease proteins for genome editing in human stem cells and primary cells. Nature Protoc10, 1842-1859.

21.   庞晓楠,弘笑,魏璇,陈喜文,刘佳*,陈德富* (2015)。乳铁蛋白的理化性质及其重组表达系统的研究进展。《遗传》37873-884

20.   Liu S-S, Wei X, Dong X, Xu L, Liu J* and Jiang B*. (2015) Structural plasticity of green fluorescent protein to amino acid deletions and fluorescence rescue by folding-enhancing mutations. BMC Biochem 16, 17.

19    Sun, Y#, Liu J#, Xianxing Jiang#*, Tao Sun, Luping Liu, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Shaoli Ding, Jingyi Li, Yan Zhuang, Yiqing Wang, Rui Wang* (2015) One-step synthesis of chiral oxindole-type analogues with potent anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities. Sci Rep5, 13699.

18.   Liu J#*, Gaj T, Wallen MC, Barbas CF III (2015) Improved cell-penetrating zinc-finger nuclease proteins for precision genome engineering. Mol Ther- Nucleic Acids4, e232.

17.   Gaj T and Liu J#* (2015) Direct protein delivery to mammalian cells using cell-permeable Cys2-His2 zinc-finger domains. J Vis Exp 25, (97).

16.   Liu J, Sun Y, Zhang X, Liang X, Wu Y, Wang Y, Jiang X (2014) Spirooxindoles, a potential novel class of anti-inflammatory agents. Inflamm Cell Signal1, e372.

15.   Gaj T, Liu J, Anderson KE, Sirk SJ, Barbas CF III (2014) Protein delivery using Cys2-His2 zinc-finger domains. ACS Chem Biol 9, 1662-7.

14.   Sun Y, Liu J#, Sun T, Zhang X, Yao J, Kai M, Jiang X and Wang R. (2014) Anti-cancer small molecule JP-8g exhibits potent in vivo anti-inflammatory activity. Sci Rep 14, 4: 4372.

13.   Liu J, Gaj T, Patterson JT, Sirk SJ and Barbas CF III (2014) Cell-penetrating peptide-mediated delivery of TALEN proteins via bioconjugation for genome engineering. PLoS One9, e85755.

12.   Liu J, Cropp TA. (2013) Rational protein sequence diversification by multi-codon scanning mutagenesis. in Methods Mol Biol (Samuelson J.C. Eds.), 978, pp. 217-8, Humana Press, Totowa.

11.   Liu J and Cropp TA. (2012)A method for multi-codon scanning mutagenesis of proteins based on asymmetric transposons. Protein Eng Des Sel25, 67-72.

10.   Liu J and Cropp TA. (2012) Experimental methods for scanning unnatural amino acid mutagenesis, in Methods Mol Biol (Pollegioni, L. and Servi, S., Eds.), 794, pp. 187-97, Humana Press, Totowa.

9.   Castaneda CA, Liu J, Chaturvedi A, Nowicka U, Cropp TA. and Fushman, D. (2011) Nonenzymatic assembly of natural polyubiquitin chains of any linkage composition and isotopic labeling scheme. J Am Chem Soc133, 17855-68.

8.   Castaneda CA, Liu J, Kashyap TR, Singh RK, Fushman D and Cropp TA. (2011) Controlled enzymatic synthesis of natural-linkage, defined-length polyubiquitin chains using lysines with removable protecting groups. Chem Commun47, 2026-8.

7.   Liu J, Castaneda CA, Wilkins BJ, Fushman D and Cropp TA. (2010) Condensed E. coli cultures for highly efficient production of proteins containing unnatural amino acids. Bioorg Med Chem Lett20, 5613-6.

6.   Wilkins BJ, Marionni S, Young DD, Liu J, Wang Y, Di Salvo ML, Deiters A and Cropp TA. (2010) Site-specific incorporation of fluorotyrosines into proteins in Escherichia coli by photochemical disguise. Biochemistry 49, 1557-9.

5.   Chen D, Liu J, Liu J and Chen X. (2010) Evolution of the catalytic activity of Arabidopsis thaliana glutathione transferase zeta class-1 by saturation mutagenesis. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 74, 1458-61.

4.   Chen X, Liu J#, Yang P and Chen D. (2010) Identifying functional residues in Arabidopsis thaliana zeta class glutathione S-transferase through screening inactive point mutants. Biochemistry (Moscow) 75, 110-4.

3.   Tao S, Chen X, Liu J, Ming M, Chong N and Chen D. (2008) Characterization of Ser73 in Arabidopsis thaliana glutathione S-transferase zeta class. J Genet Genomics 35, 507-12.

2.  陶苏丹,陈喜文,刘佳,贾向东,陈德富(2008)。拟南芥谷胱甘肽S-转移酶Zeta类进化酶的获得及其特性分析。《生物化学及生物物理进展》35208-16

1.  陶苏丹,刘佳,陈喜文,陈德富(2007)。点饱和突变技术及其在蛋白质工程中的应用。《中国生物工程杂志》2782-6


Volume Editor. Zinc Finger Proteins: Methods and Protocols. (2018) Methods in Molecular Biology. Springer Nature.

受邀于Methods in Molecular Biology系列主编John Walker


9. 刘佳,《一种检测呼吸道病原的核酸的试剂盒、检测方法及应用》,2020710日,申请号:202010666275

8. 刘佳,《一种检测呼吸道病原的核酸的试剂盒、检测方法及应用》,ZL202010659510.5,已授权。

7. 刘佳,陈德富,《一种具有细胞穿膜性的锌指蛋白-乳铁蛋白融合蛋白及其制备与应用》,20190131日,申请号:201910098200.8

6. Jia Liu, Biao Jiang, Peixiang Ma and Guang Yang. Composition and use of Cas protein inhibitors. 2018.08.29, PCT/CN2018/102908. National Phase.

5. 刘佳,董佳家,《用于调控基因编辑的化合物及其应用》,20180613日,申请号:201810609677.3

4. 刘佳,姜标,马培翔,《具有细胞穿膜性的锌指蛋白-超氧化物歧化酶融合蛋白质》,20180420日,申请号:201810360718.X

3. Jia Liu and Biao Jiang. Compositions and methods of transdermal applications of cell-permeable botulinum toxin A. 2017.07.21, PCT/CN2017/093810. National Phase.

  • 授权于美国Geminice公司,180万美金总里程碑付款(含2万美金预付款)+4%销售提成,已公示。

2. 刘佳,水赛兰,王少杰,杨异凤,《具有多个核定位序列的SpyCas9蛋白及其应用》,20170119日,申请号:201710045273.1

1. 刘佳,姜标,刘淑素,《一种非对称转座子及其应用》,ZL201510898429.120151208日,授权号:CN 105368832B


7.    张江国家自主创新示范区专项发展资金重大项目,ZJ2020-ZD-004,《基于CRISPR呼吸道疾病快速检测研发及产业化》,2019.09-2021.06200万,在研,子课题负责人。

6.    浙江大学新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)应急科研专项,2020XGZX011,《SARS-CoV-2受体鉴定、解析及其药物靶点潜力评估》,2020.02-2020.0836万,在研,子课题负责人。

5.    上海科技大学免疫化学研究所,2019F0301-000-01,《大分子药物递呈实验室启动经费2018.08-2023.08,在研,负责人。

4.    广州医科大学附属呼吸疾病国家重点实验室,B195002015028,《南山学者人才引进计划》,2018.11-2021.1120万,在研,负责人。

3.    科技部重点研发计划战略性国际科技创新合作重点专项,2018YFE0200402,《基于微流控技术从病人血液中高效分离中和性抗体》,2020.01-2023.1241万,在研,上科大课题负责人。

2.    国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,31600686,《基于纯化ZFNTALENCas9核酸酶蛋白质的绿色基因编辑技术》,2017.01-2019.1220万,结题,负责人。

1.    南开大学药物化学国家重点实验室,201503017,《锌指蛋白对乳铁蛋白穿膜性的效果研究》,2015.01-2017.015万,结题,骨干。



3) 周先豪(上海科技大学2015级研究生)



2) 任培玲(中国科学院大学2015级研究生)



1) 水赛兰(上海科技大学2014级研究生)






临时审稿人Commun Biol, Nat Commun, JACS, Methods, G3, Biomaterials, PeerJ, Emerg Microbes Infect