邮件: dongyx@@shanghaitech.edu.cn 电话: 021-20684480 研究方向:
研究三维胞外微环境对于干细胞及肿瘤细胞的调控机制;制备多功能性生物材料用于干细胞治疗及组织工程学;微加工器官芯片及双光子3D打印;肿瘤类器官。 ![](/_upload/article/images/6c/c7/67cb97c042b0bfa95639016341e8/850c5196-55c0-4c41-bce0-38f3af0eb2cf.jpg)
工作经历: 11/2017 至今: 上海科技大学,免疫化学研究所,助理研究员。 01/2015-12/2016: 美国斯坦福大学,医学院,访问学者,博士后研究员。 02/2014-09/2017: 爱尔兰都柏林大学,Charles皮肤病学研究院,博士后研究员。 09/2013-02/2014: 爱尔兰国立高威大学,NFB研究院,博士后研究员。
教育背景: 2013年:爱尔兰国立高威大学,机械及生物医学工程专业,博士学位 2009年:爱尔兰国立高威大学,生物医学科学专业,硕士学位 2001年:南京农业大学,生物科学专业,学士学位
基金及奖励: 2021-2024, 上海市“科技创新行动计划”实验动物研究领域项目,“新型3D打印肿瘤类器官芯片的构建及其在小细胞肺癌转移机制研究中的应用”,21140901500,主持。 2014-2017,Irish Research Council/Marie Curie - ELEVATE Fellowship. 2009-2013,PhD Fellowship by Science Foundation Ireland and National University of Ireland, Galway.
表性论文: (*Corresponding author; # Contributed equally) 15. Qian S. #; Dong Y. #*; Qu J; Wang X; Zhang W.; Chen J.; Xu F.; Cui M.; Giomo M.; Liao C.; Hu M.; Xu J.; Hu G.; Zheng J.; Zhu X.; Urciuolo A.*; Fan G.*; Elvassore N.*. ‘Tunable hydrogel confinement via on-chip 3D printing for studying cancer cell migration.’ ACS Materials Letters, 2023, DOI: 10.1021/acsmaterialslett.3c00853. 14. Urciuolo, A. #*; Giobbe, G. #; Dong, Y. #; Michielin, F.; Brandolino, L.; Magnussen, M.; Gagliano, O.; Selmin, G.; Scattolini, V.; Raffa, P.; Caccin, P.; Shibuya, S.; Scaglioni, D.; Wang, X.; Qu, J.; Nikolic, M.; Montagner, M.; Galea, G.; Clevers, H.; Giomo, M.; De Coppi, P.; Elvassore, N. *‘Hydrogel-in-hydrogel live bioprinting for guidance and control of organoids and organotypic cultures’. Nature Communications, 2023,14:3128. 13. Dong, Y.*; Cui, M.; Qu, J.; Wang, X.; Kwon, S.H.; Barrera, J.; Elvassore, N.; Gurtner, C.G. ‘Conformable hyaluronic acid hydrogel delivers adipose-derived stem cells and promotes regeneration of burn injury’. Acta Biomaterialia, 2020, 108:55-56. 12. Dong, Y.*; Rodrigues, M.; Kwon, S.H.; Li, X.; A, S.; Brett, E.A.; Elvassore, N.; Wang, W.; Gurtner, C.G. ‘Acceleration of diabetic wound regeneration using an in-situ-formed stem cell-based skin substitute’. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2018, 201800432. 11. Dong, Y.*; A, S.; Rodrigues, M.; Li, X.; Kwon, S.H.; Kosaric, N.; Khong, S.; Gao, Y.; Wang, W.; Gurtner, C.G. ‘Injectable and tunable gelatin hydrogels enhance stem cell retention and improve cutaneous wound healing’. Advanced Functional Materials, 2017, 1606619. 10. Cao, H.; Dong, Y.; Bre, L.; Tapeinos, C.; Wang, W.; Pandit, A. ‘An acetal-based polymeric crosslinker with controlled pH-sensitivity’. RSC Advances, 2016, 6: 9604-9611. 9. Dong, Y.*; Qin, Y.; Dubaa M.; Killion, J; Gao, Y.; Zhao, T.; Zhou, D.; Duscher, D.; Geever, L.; Gurtner, C.G.; Wang, W. ‘A rapid crosslinking injectable hydrogel for stem cell delivery, from multifunctional hyperbranched polymers via RAFT homopolymerization of PEGDA'. Polymer Chemistry, 2015, 6: 6182-6192. 8. Cao, H.; Dong, Y.; Aied, A.; Zhao, T.; Chen, X.; Wang, W.; Pandit, A. ‘Acetal-linked branched poly(dimethyl-aminoethyl methacrylat) as an acid cleavable gene vector with reduced cytotoxicity.’ Chemical Communications, 2014, 50: 15565-15568. 7. Dong, Y.; Hassan, W.; Kennedy, R.; Greiser, U.; Pandit, A.; Garcia, Y.; Wang, W. ‘Performance of an in-situ formed bioactive hydrogel dressing from a PEG-based hyperbranched multi-functional copolymer.’ Acta Biomaterialia, 2014, 10: 2076-2085. 6. Dong, Y.; Aied, A.; Li, J.; Wang, Q.; Hu, X.; Wang, W. ‘An in vitro approach for production of non-scar minicircle DNA vectors.’ Journal of Biotechnology, 2013, 166: 84-87. 5. Hassan, W#, Dong, Y.# and Wang, W. ‘Encapsulation and 3D culture of human adipose-derived stem cells in an in-situ crosslinked hybrid hydrogel composed of PEG-based hyperbranched copolymer and hyaluronic acid’. Stem Cell Research & Therapy. 2013, 4:32. 4. Dong, Y.; Hassan, W.; Zheng, Y.; Saeed, A.O.; Cao, H.; Tai, H.; Pandit, A.; Wang, W. 'Thermoresponsive hyperbranched copolymer with multi acrylate functionality for in situ cross-linkable hyaluronic acid composite semi-IPN hydrogel', Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, 2012, 23 (1), 25-35. 3. Dong, Y.; Saeed, A.O.; Hassan, W.; Keigher, C.; Zheng, Y.; Tai, H.; Pandit, A.; Wang, W. 'One-step preparation of thiol-ene clickable PEG based thermoresponsive hyperbranched copolymer for in situ crosslinking hybrid hydrogel', Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2012, 33, 120-136. 2. Cao, H.; Dong, Y.; O’Rorke, S.; Wang, W.; Pandit, A. ‘PEG based hyperbranched polymeric hollow nanospheres’ Nanotechnology, 2011, 22, 065604. 1. Dong, Y.; Gunning, P.; Cao, H.; Mathew, A.; Newland, B. E.; Saeed, A. O.; Magnusson, J. P.; Alexander, C.; Tai, H.; Pandit, A.; Wang, W. ‘Dual stimuli responsive PEG based hyperbranched polymers’ Polymer Chemistry, 2010, 1, 827-830. |